If you happen to get that red warning notice from Google, here’s how to temporarily fix it. On the other hand, I keep on working to submit a review to Google to lift that warning up. Please don’t worry, as there’s no malicious/harmful content on the site. I also always run security check to ensure the maximum safety of the visitor.

So I just got a news that Google decide to mark GetComics website as “deceptive, malicious and stuff”. It is quite shocking, that I consider GetComics to be very safe. I always secure the server properly, with multi level of protection and authentication. I immidiately doing a security audit after I received the notice and there’s nothing malicious on it. I know this issue will impact on our visitor rate, big time. But, once again I am assuring you, that our site is very safe. The files that I upload never contain any harmful files / script. We will not lose! If you are annoyed by that big red warning, here are some way to remove that warning. I am doing all I can now, to change it back to normal.

Turn off phishing & malware warnings (browser side)

  1. Open Chrome.
  2. In the top right, click the Chrome menu Chrome menu.
  3. Click Settings > Show advanced settings.
  4. Under “Privacy,” uncheck the box “Protect you and your device from dangerous sites.”

Chrome Setting

Video Guide


Sucuri Audit Result

Sucuri Audit Result


Yes, you can help us. You can report/submit this wrong error into Google and hopefully this will bring our site back to normal. Here’s how :

  1. You need to submit the request form on this page : Report Incorrect Forgery Site
  2. Please make sure the url is https://getcomics.org/
  3. Click the capthca button to verify you’re not a robot
  4. Fill in the comment section, that this website isn’t a forgery website
  5. Click submit report and done.
  6. Hopefully the more report that submitted into Google will fasten the error correction time

Error Report

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