Here at GetComics we use multiple filesharing services so that you have an option to choose the platform that suits you the best, based on speeds and your individual experience.

Although all of these services offer ability to download for free, but it comes with annoying pop-ups, restricted download speeds, limited traffic and worse of all the wait times. One way to avoid these restrictions is to pay for a premium plan, but when there are 3 or 4 filehosts that you want to use, costs can sum up pretty rapidly.

Luckily there are great people that have a solution for us, introducing LinkSnappy.

What is LinkSnappy?

LinkSnappy is a website that offers premium downloads from over 60 filehosts on a single service, for a single price. You heard it right, now you can get premium benefits from all of the filehosts and you only need to pay for it once!

How to use?

LinkSnappy is really easy and flexible to use. There are 3 different ways to use LinkSnappy service:

1. Using LinkSnappy website / browser interface

There’s no need to install anything. Just go to their website dashboard and head to the DOWNLOAD menu.


2. Using browsers Plugin

LinkSnappy’s extension for Chrome, Firefox & Safari could be found on your browser extension marketplace.


3. Supercharge it with combination of LinkSnappy + JDownloader2

Combine it with the best download manager ever.


Supported Filehosts

There are 60+ filehosts that are supported by LinkSnappy. Among them are the ones that we use here at GetComics such as Userscloud, Mega, Mediafire, Zippyshare plus many other hosts.

Additionally, they also support TORRENT download. Which means you can download the occasionally available torrent/magnet link with LinkSnappy.

Super Interested? Here’s how to join

You can try their service by signing up with a FREE ACCOUNT (as a FREE user you can download only from free file hosts)

If you want premium benefits from all filehosts then simply upgrade your account to Elite. It only costs $4.99 for 7 days and the highest plan is $54.99 for 180 days, which is on par with a typical filehost premium price. Not satisfied with the service? They also offer a Refund for your paid account.

But Wait! There’s more!

Get 20% extra discount by using this code on the link below : GCOMIC
This special deals is only available on GetComics!

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