The Story – Vampirella – Dark Reflections #1 (2024)

Vampirella – Dark Reflections #1 (2024) : A new miniseries from the writers of Vampiverse explodes onto comic shelves in June! Lilith, a daughter of Vampirella, now working for the Reality Corp., has been assigned her first mission, investigating an anomaly in one of the many threads of the Fabric where the Vampirella of that world has gone eerily silent. Upon reaching this reality, Lilith discovers a world overrun by the spawn of Chaos and a Vampirella beaten and broken by the forces she has sworn to combat. It is up to Lilith to save this world from a monstrous evil and to restore Vampirella to the warrior of Order she had once been.

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Vampirella – Dark Reflections #1
Language : English | Image Format : JPG | Year : 2024 | Size : 81 MB

Notes :

  • If you have any difficulties to download the files, please refer to this how-to download page.
  • All of the comic files are packed on .CBR and/or .CBZ file formats. Here are some of the reader apps that i can recommend : YAC Reader (Win, OSX, Linux, iOS), ComicRack (Win, Android, iOS), CDisplayEx.
  • To extract any compressed files, I recommend using 7-Zip.
  • If you encounter any broken links or corrupt files, please write on the comment section or message me through the contact form.
  • Want to see all the comic list? Please go to this page.

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