The Story – The Keeper of the Little Folk #2 – The Dragon’s Tears (2022)

The Keeper of the Little Folk #2 – The Dragon’s Tears (2022) : Élina’s adventures continue in her new role as the Keeper of the Little Folk, protecting fairies, gnomes, and other fantastical creatures. But in order to keep seeing them, she’s going to need to whip up a new batch of fairy balm, and a crucial ingredient is missing: dragon tears! But not even her grandmother can tell her where to get them… Luckily, there’s the library, and Élina finds an Arthurian legend that tells of a dragon turned to stone in the Brocéliande forest in Brittany. There just so happens to be a summer camp nearby, if only Élina’s mother would allow her to go…

Free Comics Download

The Keeper of the Little Folk #2 – The Dragon’s Tears
Language : English | Image Format : JPG | Year : 2022 | Size : 45 MB

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  • Want to see all the comic list? Please go to this page.

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