The Story – Silent Night Deadly Night vs Valentine Bluffs Massacre (2025)
Silent Night Deadly Night vs Valentine Bluffs Massacre (2025) : Two of the biggest slasher franchises from the 1980s return in a no holds barred one shot battle royale! The Killer Santa from Silent Night, Deadly Night and the Bloody Miner from Valentine Bluffs Massacre are patients at the same insane asylum being studied as they recover from injuries that should have left them dead. But something sinister is at play in the halls of this institution, a serial slasher has put these two titans of terror on a collision course that will rock the holidays this season! James Kuhoric – the author of the multi award-winning horror mash up “Freddy vs Jason vs Ash” returns to his horror roots with another crossover that will leave horror fans breathless. Don’t miss the slasher event of the year!
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Silent Night Deadly Night vs Valentine Bluffs Massacre
Language : English | Image Format : JPG | Year :Â 2025 | Size : 29 MB
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