Update PayPal Refund : Just get an email from Paypal about the frozen fund on the account. And they allow me to refund the remaining amount of money to the original sender. I already process most of the donation, and you should be able to see it on your Paypal account. Sorry if it is a bit less than you give on your donation (~less than $1 difference) due to paypal charge and stuff. Most of the donors are receiving the full amount though.

Update (March 14th, 2016 – 01:48 P.M. (GMT) :

Total donation received  : $ 577.77 from 13 donors.

I can’t believe this, in 2 days the fund needed to pay this month server fee is covered!! 🙂 🙂

Can’t say enough thank you for all the help, support and all of your kindness. I really wish you all get the happiness from the kindness that you give to me and this community. Thank you, thank you and thank you.

If you happen, still want to contribute.. our hands are still open, though. All in all, once again, thank you for all of the great support and help. Can’t do this without any of you. Have a nice day 🙂

This week Paypal is marked my account and make it limited. Basically they are closing my account and freeze all the money that I received from donation. In total, there are $223,44 from our visitor donation that will be used to pay the server and now are GONE. I can’t request any other consideration to Paypal because on their email it is clearly stated that.

As a result, your account has been permanently limited and this cannot be

GetComics Paypal Notice

This is truly an awful and horrible day. I am really shocked. Most of the server invoice are come within a week or so, and now I don’t have any money at all to renew it. Total money that I need to pay all the server within this month are $ 342.

If you already donate some money, I am really sorry about this problem. I never expecting this and I am really sorry that your help is gone. I can’t express more how deeply I am really disappointed by this issue.

I wish I have my own money to pay for the server, but unfortunately I don’t have that amount of money right now (Well, I do have it but it is for my living cost for me and my family and it is too much for all of that sum of money). Now, I don’t know what to do. I feel really shame, but now the decision is back to the community itself.

Paypal isn’t the only payment gateway around, and I have tried to setup an alternate gateway so that our visitor could back to give your donation. As I stated above, the total of amount I need to pay this month is $342 and if such amount isn’t reached by the next week or so (when the invoice arrived), I am afraid I can’t continue giving any service for GetComics any longer 🙁

Here are the payment gateway could be used for giving your help to us.


Having trouble finding the trusted BitCoin Exchange or wallet, you can find some reference using BitTrust.Org




If you don’t have Skrill account, please sign up using this link : CLICK HERE
After signing up you can send your donation to : [email protected]
If you have any question regarding Skrill, you can read the help page.



If you don’t have Payza account, please sign up using this link : CLICK HERE
After signing up you can send your donation to : [email protected]
If you have any question regarding Skrill, you can read the help page.

(Another) Paypal

This is my personal Paypal account, that I have for a long time and only used for my personal needs. If you happen to have only Paypal and want to give your donation via paypal only, kindly personal message me for more details using this link : Contact Page.

Once again, I am really sorry for the one that previously giving your donation. This is really out of my reach when such condition is happening. I do really hope that I could still continuing this website, since this website has been part of my life since I started it. If you have any feedback, comment and or suggestion, feel free to share it with me.

I will keep the update of our donation status in this page.

And last, once again I really grateful and appreciate all the help that GetComics received in the past, current and in the future. You are all a great people. And now, what I do is ask for any help from all of you 🙁

Have a nice day,
The Comic Guy

The Ministry of Compliance #4 (2024)Hotell Vol. 2 (2022) (Fan Made TPB)Hit – 1955 (TPB) (2014)