Hey Guys,
As you all know, our request thread IN THIS PAGE is already been closed for about 5 months. The reason is because it takes a lot of time to process all the request, and unfortunately I can’t spend much more time on managing the thread.
So, a few days ago, on our Forum site, someone proposed that to make a request thread to replace our existing request page. I think it is a great idea, because on the forum everyone could help other each other finding the comic that they really need or want.
So, our mods on the forum is creating this request thread and hopefully this can be a good alternative for our community. I can’t say, I will regularly check or even processing the request in our request thread, but I have the time I will certainly try to help there. But, in all excitement, please also to remember to keep following the rules and give your respect to other member and mods.
And if you’re not a member of our forum, this is a great chance to register and spark our forum to be more alive. Or if you already registered on the forum, but already dormant for a while this is a great chance also to log back into your old account and start to help each other.
So, it is official now. Feel free to make request and help each other on our NEW REQUEST THREAD