The Story – Sam Wilson – Captain America #1 (2025)
Sam Wilson – Captain America #1 (2025) : SAM WILSON SOARS AGAIN! When Captain America attends a birthday party for Isaiah Bradley, he catches wind of a new tech venture that sounds too good to be true: magnificent floating platforms in the sky, where the disenfranchised can apply for land grants and establish their own farms. But after Sam discovers the organization’s dark underbelly, he’ll have to tangle with its head of security: Red Hulk! Greg Pak (INCREDIBLE HULK, WEAPON H), Evan Narcisse (RISE OF THE BLACK PANTHER) and Eder Messias (PHASES OF THE MOON NIGHT) join forces for a high-flying Cap adventure!
Free Marvel Comics Download
Sam Wilson – Captain America #1
Language : English | Image Format : JPG | Year :Â 2025 | Size : 54 MB
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- To extract any compressed files, I recommend using 7-Zip.
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- Want to see all the comic list? Please go to this page.