The Story – Predator vs. Black Panther #1 (2024)

Predator vs. Black Panther #1 (2024) : WAKANDA… IS PREY? You saw the Marvel Universe’s most tenacious mutant go up against one of the greatest killing machines in history in PREDATOR VS. WOLVERINE — and survive. Now the planet Earth lives on in Predator lore… a planet full of the most exhilarating prey they could imagine! And the strongest weapons in the Multiverse are in their sights. When a young Predator with something to prove comes for Wakanda’s vibranium, the Black Panther faces an enemy whose resources rival those of his great nation. Who will prove stronger? Benjamin Percy teams up with Stormbreaker artist Chris Allen to pit king against king in a bloody new series!

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Predator vs. Black Panther #1
Language : English | Image Format : JPG | Year : 2024 | Size : 84 MB

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  • Want to see all the comic list? Please go to this page.

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