The Story – Micronauts – The New Voyages #1 – 20 (1984-1986)
Micronauts – The New Voyages #1 – 20 (1984-1986) : This is the second Micronauts series, named Micronauts: The New Voyages. This Marvel Comics series ran for 20 issues after the first volume of Micronauts (also from Marvel Comics) ended with issue 59. The series’ writer was Peter B. Gillis with great art by new-to-pencilling Kelley Jones (Batman, Deadman, Sandman fame). After issue 20, Marvel lost the rights to the mostly creator owned Micronauts characters, and the name, and ceased publication. Some of the characters, such as Arcturus Rann, Marionette and Bug, were Marvel created and have appeared in various Marvel Comics over the years.
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Micronauts – The New Voyages #1 – 20
Language : English | Image Format : JPG | Year :Â 1984-1986 | Size : 1.7 GB
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