The Story – Marvel Masterworks – Dazzler Vol. 3 (2022)

Marvel Masterworks – Dazzler Vol. 3 (2022) : Dazzler returns to the top of the Masterworks charts in her third volume! Family secrets explode in the life of Alison Blaire, as no sooner does her half-sister, Lois London, arrive in her life, but she’s on the run as a fugitive accused of murder while trying to stay one step ahead of a vengeful Rogue! Dazzler’s bent on staying out of the super hero game, but still winds up in Attilan to team with the Inhumans against Blackout and Moonstone. Things are much better on the fashion runway with Millie the Model’s agency, that is until Chili Storm shows up! This volume concludes with the Dazzler: The Movie graphic novel guest-starring the X-Men! And don’t miss out on Bill Sienkiewicz’s painted cover art! COLLECTING: Dazzler (1981) 26-34, Marvel Graphic Novel (1982) 12

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Marvel Masterworks – Dazzler Vol. 3
Language : English | Image Format : JPG | Year : 2022 | Size : 426 MB

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  • Want to see all the comic list? Please go to this page.

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