The Story – Captain America Collectors’ Preview #1 (1995)
Captain America Collectors’ Preview #1 (1995) : Cap is about to become proof that with the revitalizations of the ’90s, anything can happen. This 48-page, exclusive preview follows the calamitous process, witnesses (in advance) the repercussions–including dramatic developments for Nick Fury and the Avengers–and forces the creative teams to reveal how they plan to drag the Sentinel of Liberty kicking and screaming into the millennium. As a bonus, there’s a feature on the return of Captain America co-creator, Joe Simon, to this Star Spangled superstar!
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Captain America Collectors’ Preview #1
Language : English | Image Format : JPG | Year :Â 1995 | Size : 134 MB
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- If you have any difficulties to download the files, please refer to this how-to download page.
- All of the comic files are packed on .CBR and/or .CBZ file formats. Here are some of the reader apps that i can recommend : YAC Reader (Win, OSX, Linux, iOS), ComicRack (Win, Android, iOS), CDisplayEx.
- To extract any compressed files, I recommend using 7-Zip.
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- Want to see all the comic list? Please go to this page.