The Story – Nubia – Coronation Special #1 (2022)
Nubia – Coronation Special #1 (2022) : After the events of Trial of the Amazons, a new era for these warriors has dawned. Amazons from around the world have come to Themyscira to witness history and the crowning of their new leader. She stood between Man’s World and the dangers of Doom’s Doorway for centuries; when she was called upon to serve her people, she stood strong and clear-eyed, unafraid to look certain death in the face; she has united peoples on the brink of war… All hail Queen Nubia, champion of the three tribes! Join us for an awe-inspiring special celebrating the mysterious past, thrilling present, and promising future of the character. And for the first time, Nubia’s origin will be revealed! You won’t want to miss this moment in Wonder Woman history that is certain to influence stories for years to come!
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Nubia – Coronation Special #1
Language : English | Image Format : JPG | Year : 2022 | Size : 174 MB
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