The Story – Detective Comics #1084 (2024)
Detective Comics #1084 (2024) : GOTHAM NOCTURNE: ACT III BY RAM V. AND JAVIER FERNANDEZ BEGINS! The city glitters on the horizon. His city. His responsibility to defend and protect. But home has changed. Corrupted by the power of the Orghams’ hypnotic suggestions. Mutated into something he does not recognize. This isn’t the city Batman remembers. But the city doesn’t remember Batman, either. Gotham Nocturne: Act III is upon us and the countdown to the finale of Ram V’s epic Gothic Opera has begun. You are not ready.
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Detective Comics #1084
Language : English | Image Format : JPG | Year : 2024 | Size : 58 MB
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- Want to see all the comic list? Please go to this page.