The Story – Batman #152 (2024)

Batman #152 (2024) : BATMAN AND CATWOMAN JOIN FORCES WITH THE SUICIDE SQUAD! ABSOLUTE POWER TIE-IN! In a thrilling Absolute Power tie-in, Batman and Catwoman must find the key to Amanda Waller’s plans in an extremely remote — and shockingly dangerous — location! Living (dying?) up to their name, some of the Suicide Squad won’t be coming back from their mission, but will Batman and Catwoman stay free to fight another day?! Plus, a Birds of Prey backup finds the Birds facing Waller’s minions in an unexpected adventure!

Free DC Comics Download

Batman #152
Language : English | Image Format : JPG | Year : 2024 | Size : 54 MB

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  • Want to see all the comic list? Please go to this page.

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