The Story – The Bloody Dozen – A Tale of the Shrouded College #6 (2024)

The Bloody Dozen – A Tale of the Shrouded College #6 (2024) : THE EPIC CONCLUSION — the second story in CHARLES SOULE and WILL SLINEY’s SHROUDED COLLEGE cycle ends here with a terrifying, thrilling finale. The Hill family of magical astronauts is desperately trying to complete their mission—to return to earth alive with their cargo of vampire prison escapees intact. But they will learn that there is more than one kind of vampire, and sometimes blood is all you have left.

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The Bloody Dozen – A Tale of the Shrouded College #6
Language : English | Image Format : JPG | Year : 2024 | Size : 133 MB

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  • Want to see all the comic list? Please go to this page.

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