The Story – Minor Threats – The Fastest Way Down #1 (2024)

Minor Threats – The Fastest Way Down #1 (2024) : Frankie Follis AKA the costumed criminal Playtime has won. Twilight City’s greatest hero The Insomniac and its greatest villain The Stickman are dead, allowing Frankie to unify the super crook underworld and assert herself as the Queenpin of Redport. But Frankie is feeling the pressure from every side. Rival gangs are challenging her authority, Scalpel her consigliere is pushing her to legitimize her empire, and the act of murdering The Insomniac has broken something deep inside her. Frankie is about to learn the hard way…heavy is the head that wears the supervillain crown. In the vein of Sin City, Black Hammer, and The Boys, this noir-ish superhero caper, focuses on a lower-class kind of criminal, similar to the Coen Bros most pulpy films, but set in a high concept world of heroes and villains.

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Minor Threats – The Fastest Way Down #1
Language : English | Image Format : JPG | Year : 2024 | Size : 86 MB

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  • Want to see all the comic list? Please go to this page.

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