The Story

This special one-off issue promises two amazing things: SUPER HEROICS and COMPUTER SCIENCE. Yes! By the end of this issue, you will know both how Squirrel Girl can take down COUNT NEFARIA and also a few really fundamental concepts in computer science! Have we found a way to express CS concepts through the medium of super hero fights? YOU’LL HAVE TO ORDER THE ISSUE TO FIND OUT! But yeah, we totally did. Featuring all the greatest Squirrel Girl tropes you love! Including fights, jokes and COLD, HARD LOGIC.

Free Marvel Comics Download

The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #11 (2016)
Language : English | Year : 2016 | Size : 43 MB

Screenshots :

Notes :

  • If you have any difficulties to download the files, please refer to this how-to download page.
  • All of the comic files are packed on .CBR and/or .CBZ file formats. Here are some of the reader apps that i can recommend : YAC Reader (Win, OSX, Linux, iOS), ComicRack (Win, Android, iOS), CDisplayEx.
  • To extract any compressed files, I recommend using 7-Zip.
  • If you encounter any broken links or corrupt files, please write on the comment section or message me through the contact form.
  • Want to see all the comic list? Please go to this page.

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