The Story – Aliens – What If…? #4 (2024)

Aliens – What If…? #4 (2024) : WHAT IF…CARTER BURKE HAD LIVED? Or more importantly, what if Carter Burke was about to die a different, even more horrible death?! Xenomorphs are loose on the mining asteroid where Burke’s made his small sad life and even-more-insignificant career. Panic is about to break out, slaughter to follow — and once again, it’s all Burke’s fault. Is this justice at last for the consummate company man? Or is there more to Burke’s character hidden beneath the mountain of mistakes?

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Aliens – What If…? #4 (HD-Digital)
Language : English | Image Format : JPG | Year : 2024 | Size : 126 MB

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  • Want to see all the comic list? Please go to this page.

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