Update 2015.11.20 :

All post recovery is done, sorry it takes longer than anticipated. There are some more problem when restoring the data, which make me need to change host and redo all the half done work. Migrating the web server also allow me to update the web engine stack, implement more additional security measurement, create tighter multi way backup and quite many more.

Sorry for being late in making any responds (e-mail, request, comment, etc), it just too many works needs to be done and after all finished I decide just to go sleep and make some rest 🙂

Hopefully all would be better, though I can’t promise if such similar things won’t be happening again. I will try my best though. Now, I will catch up all late request, email, uploads, etc.

Also, November is only 10 days left, and the donation amount is still half way until the target is reached. So, if someone is feeling generous today, we surely happy to take one 🙂

PayPal Donation :

BitCoin / Other Crypto Currencies Donation :



Have a nice weekend guys,

Mister X – The Archives (2017)The Cimmerian – Iron Shadows in the Moon #1 (2021)Quantum And Woody #1 (2020)