The Story – Inhuman #1 – 14 + Extras (2014-2015)

Inhuman #1 – 14 + Extras (2014-2015) : Medusa and her aide, Elejea, are summoned to Battery Park by numerous S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, as they supposedly found Eldrac alive in the debris after the clean up effort. Medusa speaks with him in an attempt to determine what happened, so she asks Eldrac if he could transport her to where Black Bolt would be. Eldrac then opens his mouth as Medusa is seen walking through.

In another part of the United States, Dante is a newly evolved Inhuman who was among many placed in a single cocoon due to the release of the Terrigen Bomb that affected New York City after the Inhuman city of Attilan fell into the Hudson River. The mist traveled all around the world, which includes Dante’s home in Des Plaines, Illinois.

After coming out of the cocoon, Dante is approached by a fellow Inhuman named Lash who came there to see if Dante was worthy of the gifts that were given to him. Dante asks Lash what happened to his mother and he told him that she didn’t survive the transformation process of the Terrigen Mist. Dante gets furious, and in retaliation his powers manifest when his body starts to engulf itself into flames, which he uses in the form of heat blasts against Lash. During the battle, Queen Medusa arrives via teleportation by Eldrac the Door to interfere as part of a plan to get Dante to move to where the Inhumans are currently living.

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Inhuman #1 – 14 + Extras
Language : English | Year : 2014-2015 | Size : 416 MB

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  • To extract any compressed files, I recommend using 7-Zip.
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  • Want to see all the comic list? Please go to this page.

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