The Story – Outsiders #8 (2024)

Outsiders #8 (2024) : BRUTAL SHOWDOWN FOR THE SOUL OF THE BATWOMAN! Following the explosive revelations of last issue, Batwoman departs the Outsiders on a solo quest of her own design. In the storied deserts of the American southwest, a dangerous specter stalks the innocent and guilty alike with a vengeance that spans all the way back to those first dark days of the Old West. Anyone with violence in their heart can become the victim… or the perpetrator. Can Kate Kane hunt this monster down before more innocent lives are destroyed… or before it consumes her soul with its violence as well? Guest-starring Young Justice’s Jinny Hex, this issue is a brutal showdown for the soul of the Batwoman!

Free DC Comics Download

Outsiders #8
Language : English | Image Format : JPG | Year : 2024 | Size : 101 MB

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  • Want to see all the comic list? Please go to this page.

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