The Story – Harley Quinn #41 (2024)

Harley Quinn #41 (2024) : WILL HARLEY GET ICED? There ain’t nothin’ like villainy! The sweet sound’a bank alarms, the wind blow’n through yer hair in a stolen car, not ta mention the discounts ya get buying “bang” flags in bulk — but every now’n’again, the sweet candy of crime has one heck of a sugar crash! I’ve gone and got myself noticed by some cold-hearted types—here’s ta hopin’ I don’t get ICED! But don’t ya dare think that’s all! We also got a tale of a nightmare that RUINED my sleep the day before I took my driver’s license photo, as told by two real cool folks who did NOT like talkin’ ta me at the DMV — Gretchen Felker-Martin and Dani!

Free DC Comics Download

Harley Quinn #41
Language : English | Image Format : JPG | Year : 2024 | Size : 99 MB

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  • Want to see all the comic list? Please go to this page.

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