The Story – My Time Machine (2024)
My Time Machine (2024) : Having inherited the blueprints designed by the Time Traveler of H.G. Wells’ historical account, our curious and all-too-human adventurer enlists her genius ex-husband to construct a modern version of the time machine. Torn between wanting to fix the past and needing to know what lies ahead, she decides to see how our follies will play out in order to bring back information that might help save civilization from itself. She anticipates trouble, but it’s far worse — not only has humanity failed to mitigate climate change, but by 2035 the world has succumbed to fascism. Then, by 2045, it has devolved to anarchy. Intrigued by the possibilities detailed in Wells’ book, she decides to visit the year 802,701 to verify the original Traveler’s tale. In that inexplicably lush land she encounters enemies that propel her to the earth’s last, hellish days.
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My Time Machine
Language : English | Image Format : JPG | Year :Â 2024 | Size : 139 MB
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